According to an earlier blog entry, I began to work on "Meandering Vines" back in March 2011. It seems so long ago and I started several other projects whilst knitting the shawl.
Meandering Vines
Finally, after three months of knitting on and off, it is finished. Well, ... almost finished. It's currently blocking. The shawl is knitted in a relatively thick cotton / acrylic yarn (Paton's UK Vintage) and blocking was an absolute must on this project.
The pattern is simple and straightforward, and, as promised by the designer, it can be knit in pretty much every type of yarn. - An easy knit for the beginner lace knitter.
My blocking method is a little quirky (see below). I neither own a blocking board, which would accommodate the full length of the shawl, nor do I have blocking pins, which would be strong enough to hold the fabric in place.
Meandering Vines in Patons UK Vintage - Blocking in Progress |
Meandering Vines in Patons UK Vintage - Blocking in Progress
After some deliberation I decided to suspend the shawl with the help of two pegged coat - hangers from the top shelf of the wardrobe. The triangular corners on either side of the shawl are fastened to both sides of the wardrobe with the help of some scrap yarn (inserted in the eyelet stitches and then tied to the sides of the wardrobe). A further two coat hangers keep the garment in place at the bottom of the wardrobe.
Once this arrangement was in place, I lightly misted the garment with cold water.
Pictures of the blocked garment can be found here.