Saturday 27 July 2019

The Weekly Swatch: Lace Zig Zag Stitch Pattern

My blog post directory tells me that I published my last 'weekly' knitted swatch (the lace rib knit stitch) in September 2018. This is unacceptable and shows how busy life has been over the past year. 

After Pickle's passing at the onset of 2019, I finally seem to have regained my mojo for knitting, crafting and blogging somewhat. So, without further ado, here is my latest swatch project, showcasing a lace 'zig zag' pattern. 

There are many variations of 'zig zag' lace stitches out there. This one is extremely simple, utilising k2togs and pssos for the decreases and yos for the increases. 

After a few rows practising, you won't have any trouble memorising the pattern. The stitch is knitted with a stitch count of 6 plus 1 stitches over a multiple over 12 rows. All even rows are purled throughout. 

Free Zig Zag Lace Stitch Knitting Pattern
Zig Zag Lace Stitch Knitting Pattern

For the swatch sample above I used Rowan Bamboo Soft, which is an absolute delight to work with, on 4mm needles.

Lace Zig Zag Stitch

(Requires a multiple of 6 plus 1 stitches.)

Row 1 (right side)*Sl1, k1, paso, k2, yo, k2; rep from to last stitch, k1.

Row 2: Purl all sts.

Row 3: Repeat R 1

Row 4: Repeat R 2

Row 5: Repeat R 1

Row 6: Repeat R 2

Row 7: K3, *yo, k2, k2tog,k2; rep from * to last 4sts, yo, k2, k2tog.

Row 8: Purl all sts. 

Row 9: Repeat R 7 

Row 10: Repeat R 8

Row 11: Repeat R 7

Row 12: Repeat R 8

For more knit stitch patterns, please visit my library of knit stitches here

Free Zig Zag Lace Stitch Knitting Pattern
Zig Zag Lace Stitch Knitting Pattern

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