Monday 27 May 2024

The Weekly Swatch: Mini Horseshoe Lace Knit Stitch Pattern


Another simple, four-row-repeat knit stitch to add to the collection, the Mini Horseshoes Lace Knit Stitch. 

The stitch requires a multiple of 6 plus 1 stitches and produces of what appear to be columns of tiny horseshoes. It's similar in appearance to the Horseshoe Lace Knit Stitch, but much simpler.  

Mini Horseshoe Lace Knit Stitch Pattern

Multiple of 6 plus 1 stitches

Row 1 (right side): K1, *yo, k1, sk2po, k1, yo, k1; rep. from * end. 

Row 2 (wrong side): Purl all stitches. 

Row 3: K1, *k1, yo, sk2po, yo, k2; rep. from * to end

Row 4: Purl all stitches. 

Repeat Rows 1 - 4.


For more four-row-repeat knit stitches, please follow this link. 

For all knit stitch patterns and weekly swatch posts, please follow this link to my knit stitch library.

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